Pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 of European Regulation 679/2016

Data processor

The Data Controller is G.GROUP SERVICES sarl. Any requests for information and/or clarifications regarding the processing of data may be requested by sending an email to the following address:

Treatments and purposes

G.GROUP SERVICES sarl wishes to inform you that the company name of your company as well as the personal and identification data of the contact person who will interface with our company will be collected and processed for the following purposes:
Fulfillment of the operational purposes necessary for production.

Direct and remote assistance.
Commercial communications.
The processing carried out with the aid of paper/electronic instruments does not involve the use of automated decision-making processes.

Legal basis of processing

Processing is carried out on the basis of the existence of a legitimate interest as there is a relevant and appropriate relationship between the data subject and the controller determined by the contractual terms.

Data provision

The provision of data is optional, but necessary for the achievement of the purposes; the non-availability of the same does not allow the fulfillment of the above obligations. Failure to consent to commercial communications does not affect the service or the contract signed.

Communication of data and scope of dissemination

The data may be communicated to the following categories of subjects that G.GROUP SERVICES sarl uses to carry out certain activities functional to the provision of its services: accounting and consulting firms for accounting and tax fulfillment; banks for payment operations; insurance companies for policies relating to company third party liability; law firms in the event of disputes; Public Administrations for legal communications. The data, unless provided for in specific contracts, may in no case be transferred abroad.

Storage time

The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes in compliance with the terms of the law for the period corresponding to fiscal, accounting and administrative needs, to document our activity and to respond to your data recovery needs.

Rights of the interested party

You are acknowledged and guaranteed the full right to: ask the Data Controller for access

to your personal data and the rectification or erasure of the same or the restriction of processing concerning you or to object to their processing, as well as the right to data portability. This right may be exercised by sending an email to

Furthermore, the Data Controller shall stop processing the data if it receives a communication from you revoking the consent previously given.

Complaint to the supervisory authority

The interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority in the event that his/her requests for information addressed to the Data Controller have not led to a satisfactory response. The Authority of reference is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data: display/docweb/4535524

New customer information

Pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 of European Regulation 679/2016


A cookie is an automatic tool for collecting commonly used data. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the computer or on the user’s device by the websites visited or by the HTML e-mails that are opened on the browser, to make websites work or to work more efficiently.
G.GROUP SERVICES sarl uses cookies and other tracking technologies on its websites and in its emails in order to:

• Ensure the proper functioning of our website and the correct delivery of legitimate electronic communications.
• Customize the information presented to the user based on browsing preferences. • Collect statistics on the use of the website.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be classified into:
– Session cookies: which are removed when the user closes the browser and therefore have a limited duration to the visit;
– Permanent cookies: which remain in the device used to surf the Internet for a specific time. These cookies have typical expiry dates and, therefore, their duration varies depending on the cookie used.
– Proprietary cookies and third-party cookies: depending on whether they belong to the owner of the website or to a third party.
For its websites and other online services G.GROUP SERVICES sarl uses the following cookie categories:
1) Essential cookies: they are necessary to provide services and features available through our websites. Without these cookies, the services the user might need, such as shopping carts, could not be provided.
2) Analysis cookies: these cookies allow us to perfect our websites by monitoring and analyzing user behavior and creating their profiles in order to make improvements to our websites that make navigation easier.

For example, analysis cookies can help us keep track of which pages are visited frequently, what are the user’s preferences, which products have already been viewed to prevent replay, if the advertising that is posted on the website is effective or not, if and what difficulties the user encounters in using the site.

In order to analyze how the websites are used, G.GROUP SERVICES sarl also uses the Google Analytics web analytics service provided by Google. In particular, Google Analytics uses cookies (both temporary and permanent) in order to collect, anonymously, information on how our website is used by users that will be transmitted by the user’s browser on Google’s servers. in the United States. The information collected will be used by Google for the purpose of evaluating the use of the website by the user, compiling reports on website activity useful to operators of the same site and providing other services related to website activity and all use of the internet.

Further information about the Google Analytics service and the procedures to be followed to disable cookies can be found the following links:

These data do not allow the user to be personally identified: all the data collected are aggregated and as such anonymous.

3. Third Party Cookies and Social Media Cookies: using this website could be stored cookies controlled by third parties. This information is totally controlled by third-party companies as described in the respective privacy policies. In order not to receive third- party cookies, the user can: follow the procedures below to disable cookies on your browser or access the information and consent forms of the third parties indicated below and exclude the receipt.

Do Not Track function

There are several ways to prevent tracking of online activity. One of these is to set a preference in the browser that warns the websites you visit that you do not want to collect certain data about you. This is referred to as a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) signal. Note that our websites may not recognize or act in response to DNT signals from web browsers. There is currently no universally accepted standard for what a company needs to do when a DNT signal is detected. In case a definitive standard is established, we will evaluate how to respond adequately to these signals. For more detailed information on cookies, Do-Not- Track and other tracking technologies, visit visitare e

Changes to the cookie policy

G.GROUP SERVICES sarl reserves the right to make changes to this cookie policy. The user agrees to be bound to any such future revisions and therefore undertakes to periodically visit this page to be informed of any changes.


Given the nature of the services offered by our website, our servers maintain system logs (web servers, database servers and application servers) for the sole purpose of preventing unauthorized access, not receiving the malicious code and ultimately monitoring “denial of service” attacks.

Only for these purposes are some identifying data, including the IP address, the type of browser, the operating system, the date / time and the complete URL or the action requested by the user.G.GROUP SERVICES sarl declares that such data will never be used for other purposes, let alone for marketing activities and will never be transferred to third parties.

It is also declared that the system logs are treated in a secure manner, with limited access to system administrators, archived with cryptographic techniques and maintained for a limited time in accordance with the security reasons described above.